Monday, 20 January 2014

Blog Has Been Created

As per today's class, there will be an opportunity for us to write, and subsequently, post our experiences in China. A number of us will collaborate by using "blogger" to record our thoughts, feelings, and pictures so that we can go back at a later date and remember this great opportunity. For our families back home, they will be able to see our eloquently written posts and be able to experience our travels as if they were with us.

Since I have done a few blogs in the past, let us set up a few guidelines.

  • This is a collaborative project.
    • We we will be writing some of these posts as a group.
    • We will be reviewing each other's works.
    • We will combine our knowledge of history, English, humanities, and other knowledge to create a comprehensive look at our trip.
  • This is open to everyone part of the group.
  • This is a "free write."
    • All posts must be aware of people's feelings and beliefs
Most importantly, lets have fun writing and reading!

By the time we reconvene here on this site we will be in China!

Reid Clark